Thursday, June 9, 2011


The main point of this task was to try out different softwares and to develop our technology skills. At the beginning of the course, three options were given; we had a choice of Dreamweaver (an Abode software in used to create website), Wordpress (a blogging website) and Movie Maker (a Windows software based on the creation of a movie). At first, I gave Dreamweaver an attempt as I had already known how to create and use a blog as well as create a movie using Windows Movie Maker. After a few tries on Dreamweaver, the software was found to be too technical and was beyond my level of learning. Wordpress was then given a try, but I was still dissatisfactory. The choices of design were very limited because we had all chosen the free plan. Blogger (a Google blogging service) was used at the end. Even though Wordpress had presented their main website in a more sophisticated manner, I was happier with the way Blogger did not limit the choices of design and the way you could make everything from the layout of the blog to the colour and font of the your posts.

With the variety of media files to put in, many people had chosen either music from Youtube or pictures from Twitter. This technical problem cause me many troubles, especially when I link it on onto my blog at home and arrive at school finding out that is blocked and friends who want access to the clip or photo cannot see it. Another problem that has risen was that with too many students on the internet at the same time, the internet tends to lag, wasting precious time. One of the major problems was also the uploading of videos. Although i could upload videos the videos didn't pop up.

Because everyone had a different level of experience, we all learnt of each other. While using Dreamweaver, Tien helped with the code and so forth. Also, by looking at everyone else’s blog, I had some inspiration and interesting ideas about the contents of my blog.

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